dimarts, 10 de maig del 2011


Prince William and Kate Middleton met in 2001, now in 2011 we married.  Prince William
The Prince William  he is adored by the british public.
William went to the best schools of England, then start humanitarian and charity work. He went to Chile, Belize and Africa, also work on a farm in England.
We meets in the same building went we study in the university of Scotland.
Later Kate and William's friendshi became romantic. Then Prince William ask to Kate for married and Kate said ye.
Kate Middleton
Royals normally marry nobility but Kate Middleton is an exception. Kate is from rich family, but they aren't royalty, but the ancestors were poor.
Her parents are millionaire, and kate  went to the best british schools.
Kate she's serious and quiet girl. But her friends say she dreamed.
Kate said the idea of becoming part of the royal family was daunting. For now she's preparing for her wedding. The ceremony is in Westminster Abbey, London

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